Saturday, April 7, 2012

G is for Grandchildren, Grandparents, and Gardening

G is for three of my favorite things! First, the nearest, dearest to my heart -- grandchildren! I heard over and over again how awesome grandchildren were, but until I had my own, it was kind of hard to believe it was true. But it is. They're adorable, loveable, awesome-able and every other superlative I could ever think of. Although I must admit, they are tiring, it's still well worth it. I never thought I'd be happy to be a grandma, because grandmas are OLD and gray-haired and wrinkly, but I'm not. NOT, I tell you. Not! But when those little feet are running towards you, grinning and squealing, "Gwanma, Gwanma," -- well, I dare your heart to not melt.

And then there's Grandparents. That bond is so special. As a child, grandparents give you unequivocal love and acceptance. As a grandparent myself, I aim to give that to my grandboys. I want to be the safe harbor in any storm, the sheltering arms, and the one who can always find time to laugh with them.

Gardening -- what joy! I went out yesterday a little after 2 pm, and it was almost 6 pm when I came back inside, and I was shocked I'd been out there so long. While I'm not much of one for physical labor, if it's of the gardening variety, I'm ok with it. I love pulling weeds -- is that crazy? It's my way of keeping order in my universe, pulling out all that rotten stuff that doesn't belong. But most of all, I love planting and watching it grow. After I plant something, I'll go out every day to see how much it's grown. My current passion is miniature gardens. You take a rustic box, or a just any planter at all, and then use smaller-leaved plants, and miniature furniture to create little scenic gardens. Just google "miniature garden" and take a peek at some of the photos. I've done 3 so far, but my picture taking skills are pretty lousy, so I haven't one to post yet.


  1. what a lovely post. Minature gardens would do well here right now as we are in a 'hosepipe ban' area this year.

  2. Oh, already? Yikes, we're probably going to be in a drought this summer, too. But yes, miniature gardens are great for that, and also for elderly people who can't get out to garden as much, but still enjoy it.
