Doncha just love epiphanies? When knowledge strikes you deep inside and resonates, and you finally, really, truly *understand* this thing that you've been living for a while now, and also just now realize you've been mulling over in your subconscious? And then you get that "DOH!" moment when you realize that yes, this is something you've really known all along, but it finally came together and made sense in your brain and left you with this realization. Sometimes it's just something minor, but the surety of the feeling is so satisfying that it makes me feel complete somehow.
I've had two epiphanies this week. One about writing and one about my mother. Got her pretty settled in her new place and I'm slowly getting all her finances and loose ends and accounts transferred and address-changed. Her personality has undergone a big change, and although she's still doing pretty well, she's just not who she used to be. And I realized that we have switched roles. I am now the mother and she the child. It's pretty weird to think of it that way. But it's also helped me accept it.
The writing epiphany wasn't as soul-shattering, it was just the coming together of things I've read and not completely *gotten* if you know what I mean. Mainly about the story needing to be personal for the character, and I really can't put it into better words than that. But I think I know what I mean. heheh.
So I'm getting excited about writing again and gosh darn it, it feels so good I can't hardly stand myself. Yesterday I trotted out my Sub Tracking spreadsheet and added another page, where I've listed every story I've started or finished, complete with # of times rejected. My other pages just mainly keep track of stories I've subbed and where. I still need to go back and track word counts and other things about each story I'll find useful, but gosh I love me some organization charts. Today I got out my Word Count spreadsheet (no entries since FEB!!!!) and added columns for start and end times for my writing sessions. Was reading Rachel Aaron's blog about how she increased her daily word counts and it made me enthusiated (why yes, I do feel like making up words today, thank you very much) enough to keep better track of things.